Sunday 7 August 2011


I was just looking at Garance Dore's blog. She has to be the most lovely fashion blogger ever and, as you can see, a brilliant illustrator.  X looked over my shoulder at the illustration I've swiped (sorry, Garance)  and said :'that's you mummy!' And she didn't even want sweets.... 

As, a knackered methuselah mum who's mirror declares: 'hag not shag' this was a fun moment. I think it might be the red lips: she likes playing with my lippies before bath and maybe the hat is a bit like my oh, so glam pvc rainhat.  X's comments aren't all so fabulous: last night she told me my bottom was 'wiggly', but I can live with wiggly.Wiggly sounds almost booty-like,or at least it is easier to tell myself that than ease up on the calorie intake. 

Anyway, thank you, Garance Dore,  for a nice mummy moment.

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